Saturday, January 9, 2016


While leaving our homes to start our college lives what were our expectations? To live the best years of our life there with our new found freedom, perhaps date the hottest girl/guy of our college, have a cool quotient higher than our IQ’s and yes of course grab a job that would put our I-doubt-you-will-become-anything-in-life relatives to shame. They promised us that our life of hardship was over when we worked our asses off to get into good colleges and all we have to do now is enjoy life. Our lives were supposed to be like those Hollywood flicks where people go on cruises, fall in love, eat, drink, sleep and in the end discover another side of themselves and go on to lead a life of happily ever after.

Reality check – Two and a half years of college life later I have managed to somehow drag myself through the semesters and out of bed (only because I couldn’t persuade anyone to give my proxy) and yes most of the times I end up going to class looking like a homeless drug addict because it turns out the hottest guy of the college is dumb as a potato and the others are... well never mind. 

College life is undoubtedly fun. Night outs, parties, hanging out at new places everything is picture perfect. But that’s not what it is supposed to be all about right?  Forget the seminars they organize for us to attain a ‘deeper understanding’ of the subjects, we don’t even want to attend classes. How are we supposed to land good jobs when we end up mugging most of the subjects and the rest are left to the grace of the almighty?

“There is no substitute for hard work.”- Thomas Edison
We have been taught time and time again that to accomplish anything in life we have to work hard. Not that we aren’t willing to do so, but perhaps a little bit of encouragement coming our way will help us go the extra mile.  Professors, how about improving your teaching skills and motivating us to attend your classes in ways other than deliberately scaring us with “You will be debarred!”. Not saying you teachers aren’t knowledgeable but perhaps scaring us isn’t the best way to make us study. Some might say that we would end up not attending classes at all if we aren’t made to do so. Well, your statement is self explanatory about why things need to change. College life would be so much more fun if we didn’t have to dread classes and actually learned a thing or two there. Not to mention we wouldn’t be praying for you teachers to come down with diarrhea. Just kidding! And parents, seriously stop with the hypocrisy of just study for # years! This is a goddamn never ending circle! “We won’t pay your bills if you don’t study!” isn’t helping either.

Why do classes and attendance go hand in hand? Hoping someone out there will listen to our pleas and justice will be delivered.