Saturday, November 18, 2017

A Long Due Apology.

Four years of college life come to an end.. you are in a new City... with new friends.. in a new job.. and then one fine day you decide to go through the pictures on your laptop. Everything was fine but then you decide to browse through your pictures and you stumble across the picture of your college friends.

You look at those happy faces, those smiles that even now don't fail to bring a smile upon your own. And then, it strikes you that you people are sadly no longer friends... at least not as close as you used to be. How? And more importantly "Why?".
You were so great together. You shared all those wonderful memories - from making each other laugh during lectures to consoling each other after exams, you went through it all together. But somewhere down the line, one day things went wrong. They just got so bad that things were simply never the same again.

Who's fault was it? Was it theirs? Was it your own? You don't know. And maybe you never really will. But does it really matter? No. NO, IT DOESN'T. You are far apart now and for all you know, you might never meet them again.

So, what do we do now? We apologise.
We apologise for not making it work while we still could. We apologise for not being there for them when they really needed us. And above all, we apologise for taking so long to understand what a complete doofus we had been to take so long.

I am sorry. I really am. I know things got really bad between us once but I miss you. I really do. Even if you don't decide to forgive me, you will always hold a place in my heart. And you will always be the reason why staying away from home felt so much better.
Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for making my college life worthwhile.

Yours truly,
