Sunday, June 26, 2016

My greatest blessing, my Mother.

This blog is something that I have been meaning to write for a long time now; something from the heart.
It always seemed to me that most people knew what they wanted to do in life at a very young age. I used to wonder if it was something that came from within or if it was that they saw others and knew that that was what they wanted to become in life. I thrived to have what they did, an inspiration. It was when I became a teenager that it dawned upon me that for most it’s not the inner voice that they are inspired by. Inspiration is perhaps an incorrect term here. Most people are driven by their desire to be at the top of the ladder.
As for myself, it took me a long time to realize my fear of cockroaches (pretty much any of those creepy crawlies actually), ghosts (anything from Conjuring to the sound of a door opening in the middle of the night scares the bejesus out of me), my love of the color black, surprising hatred of the color pink (surprising as I am a girl) and those innumerable things that constitute who I am today. I would like to mention here that it took me falling into a water tank to realize that I am scared of dying as well.  On a serious note, finding who I am and who I would like to be is not something that happened overnight.
As we were growing up, I saw my mother grow each day as an individual. Her transition from a girl to a women and then to a mother is something that I didn’t witness and yet from what I saw in the latter years of her life, I knew her priorities and ambitions changed just as she did. She did more than just compromise for us; she comfort us in moments when she herself was in despair, found the strength to feed us while struggling to sit and ALWAYS put our happiness above hers. Some would say that we all transform as we grow up and mothers have always been known to care for their children. Perchance it is true.

 All I wish to say is
“Mother, all my life I have been told that if I don’t have an ambition, I will not become anything in life. I am not ashamed of admitting that I don’t have it all figured out but I want you to know that you have been my inspiration all this while, even if I didn’t know it and someday if I can become even half of what you are I know I will be the luckiest person on earth. You are, and have always been, my greatest blessing.”

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